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Citations sur le mother
Il y a 13 citations sur le mother.
Aline, sa mère, me sort du « brigadier » long comme le bras. Elle prend ses marques, la mother. Elle réorganise, elle fonctionnalise, elle débordélise.
Cicéron Angledroit — Tiens bon l’pinceau -
JACK : Dis-moi, Algy, crois-tu que Gwendolen risque de ressembler peu ou prou à sa mère dans environ cent cinquante ans ? ALGERNON : Toutes les femmes finissent par ressembler à leur mère : voilà leur drame. (JACK : You don't think there is any chance of Gwendolen becoming like her mother in about a hundred and fifty years, do you, Algy ? ALGERNON : All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy.) Acte I.
Oscar Wilde — L'Importance d'être constant -
The incident occurred in Missouri, United States where a baby girl, who was just about a month old, died after reportedly, her mother put her in an oven instead of a crib ‘by mistake’.
The Nation — Baby dies after mother in US mistakenly puts her in oven instead of crib -
A shocking incident came to light from United States' Missouri where a mother 'accidentally' put her baby into oven instead of crib due to which the infant died
Editorji — Mother ‘mistakenly’ puts month-old baby in oven instead of crib, infant dies | Editorji -
A woman who appeared in court after her vehicle struck and killed an expectant mother in Co Fermanagh and seriously injured two other members of her family, was over the legal alcohol limit and was an unaccompanied learner driver.
The Irish News — Valeria Amorim: Woman accused of causing expectant mother’s death was over legal alcohol limit – The Irish News -
A woman whose vehicle struck and killed an expectant mother in Co Fermanagh — seriously injuring two other members of her family in the process — was twice the legal alcohol limit and was an unaccompanied learner driver, a court heard on Wednesday. — Belleek crash: Woman who caused death of expectant mother Valeria Amorim was almost twice the legal alcohol limit | -
The Northwest Territories' language commissioner agrees with a Dene mother that the symbol representing a glottal stop, used in her daughter's traditional indigenous name, should be allowed on government ID.
CBC — N.W.T. ID should allow Dene symbols, says languages commissioner | CBC News -
With vast influences from contemporary music that extended far beyond the classical sarod tradition, the younger Khan grew up in, as he described it, “a melting pot of sounds” in the San Francisco and Bay Area. His mother was much younger than his father. She grew up in the midst of the Sixties with hippie culture and the emergence of the Haight-Ashbury and California sound along with psychedelic, acid and punk rock.
The Utah Review — Alam Khan, master of the sarod, set for SLC events sponsored by Mundi Project, India Cultural Center of Utah; Westminster Concert Series – The Utah Review -
Wildebeests usually stick together in herds to protect themselves from predators, but in this case, a lone wildebeest bull boldly stood its ground to protect a distressed mother waterbuck and her calf from wild dogs.
For The Win — Watch: Wildebeest boldly protects mother and calf of another species -
Twelve species formed zygospores and one species formed aplanospores. Nine of the twelve species that formed zygospores developed conjugation tubes from both male and female gametangia. The other three of the twelve that formed zygospores produced conjugation tubes from only the male gametangia; two of these three underwent unequal division of the mother gametangial cell to form one small and one large daughter cell, which developed into sterile and gametangial cells, respectively. We classified the observed modes of zygospore and aplanospore formation into five categories: Types C1–C5 (Supplementary Fig. S2).
Nature — Identification of 13 Spirogyra species (Zygnemataceae) by traits of sexual reproduction induced under laboratory culture conditions | Scientific Reports -
A woman who was born without a vagina, womb or cervix has asked her mother if she's sad about never having grandchildren in a new family podcast exploring the relationships between children and their parents.
Mail Online — Woman born without a vagina, womb or cervix in rare disorder asks her mother if she is 'sad she'll never have grandchildren' in a new family podcast hosted by Vogue Williams | Daily Mail Online -
The body-positive dance has been instrumental in boosting her own confidence as well. Like all women in the Western world, the mother of three has faced pressures to look a certain way. “Because of my uaajeerneq training (and having basically grown up in a sauna), I can always reassure myself that there’s no need to buckle to the capitalist regime that want female bodies to be a certain way,” she says. “Capitalism really wants to make sure people feel at least a little bit bad about themselves so that they continue to buy things to feel better.”
Shedoesthecity — How Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory Channels The Power Of Uaajeerneq -
Barnes played unlikable gold-digger Vicky Robinson in the original “The Parent Trap” and returned as Vicki Blake, mother of renamed conniver Meredith in the 1998 production. Barnes also appeared in the films “Home Before Dark,” “The War Wagon” and Hollywood epic “Spartacus.”
New York Post — Joanna Barnes, known for roles in both 'Parent Trap' movies, dead at 89