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Citations sur le probe
Il y a 13 citations sur le probe.
Et c'est ainsi que notre héros mit fin à l'aventure, sur la satisfaction du triomphe, et le probe renoncement à la vraie réparation de la victoire.
David Eddings — Le Pion blanc des présages -
Il existe des juges probes, mais il n'y a aucune manière juridique de rendre la justice.
Günther Weisenborn — L'exécuteur -
Tang, Z., Ding, X.-L., Liu, Y., Zhao, Z.-M. & Zhao, B.-X. A new probe based on rhodamine B and benzothiazole hydrazine for sensing hypochlorite in living cells and real water samples. RSC Adv. 5, 99664–99668 (2015).
Nature — Novel probe based on rhodamine B and quinoline as a naked-eye colorimetric probe for dual detection of nickel and hypochlorite ions | Scientific Reports -
What could explain the lack of evolution in obscuration for galaxies of a given stellar mass? Obscuration depends on several factors, including dust masses, the distribution of dust within galaxies, and the composition of the dust. Each of these factors could evolve in such a way that their net effect on obscuration cancels out. Alternatively, perhaps these dust properties do not undergo much change. Theoretical models of dust evolution and further studies of galaxies across a range of redshifts at far-IR and submillimeter wavelengths that probe their dust contents will hopefully unravel this puzzle.
astrobites — Dusting off the evolution of obscuration vs stellar mass | astrobites -
Inițierea acțiunii penale în justiție fără probe este nu doar ineficientă, ci și ilegală, determinând reîntoarcerea dosarului la parchet chiar din etapa camerei preliminare. Prin urmare, orice dosar trimis de parchet cu o acuzație lipsită de probe riscă să fie redirecționat de Înalta Curte și, posibil, în viitor, și de instanțele inferioare, încă din faza preliminară a procesului.
Evenimentul Zilei — Justiție. Caz întors de ÎCCJ la Parchet pentru lipsa de probe -
Perturbation of the second messenger homeostasis in the dark might lead to alterations in the photoresponse of the affected cells. To probe such potential variations, we simulated photoresponses from mouse rods expressing the same amounts of GCAPs investigated in the dark following the excitation of the phototransduction cascade by flashes of increasing intensity, from dim to saturating. The resulting dynamics of suppression of the dark current in a rod of a WT mouse and the respective cases for a heterozygous WT/E111V and a homozygous E111V/E111V-GCAP1 case are reported in Fig. 3a,b, respectively.
Nature — Normal GCAPs partly compensate for altered cGMP signaling in retinal dystrophies associated with mutations in GUCA1A | Scientific Reports -
Il est à noter que l’Inde a déjà réussi à « atteindre » la Lune avec Chandrayaan-2, mais il ne s’agissait pas d’un atterrissage conventionnel : le pays avait en effet largué un impacteur, Moon Impactor Probe (MIP), qui au cours de sa chute a filmé la descente et réalisé un certain nombre de mesures. Cette fois, il s’agit de toucher le sol en maîtrisant la descente de l’appareil.
Numerama — L'Inde tentera en 2019 d'être le quatrième pays à réussir un alunissage -
Traduction de sonde lambda en anglais : lambda probe Traduction de en allemand : Lambdasonde — Sonde lambda : définition, traduction -
Depuis un peu plus d'un an, la sonde solaire Parker Probe de la Nasa effectue des relevés dans la couronne solaire, la partie externe de notre étoile, notamment dans le but de percer l’origine des tempêtes solaires.
TF1 INFO — VIDÉO - Ecoutez les sons (étranges) émis par le Soleil | TF1 INFO -
French lawmakers are expected to launch a probe into the impact of the country's nuclear weapons tests in French Polynesia over three decades.
Le — French lawmakers move to probe Polynesia nuclear tests -
The data from the probe indicated that gases were being stripped from the planet’s upper atmosphere.
Interesting Engineering — In a first, Mercury-bound probe detects gases fleeing Venus - Interesting Engineering -
The FBI has opened a criminal probe into the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, according to the Washington Post.
Sky News — FBI opens criminal probe into Baltimore bridge collapse that killed six - US media reports | US News | Sky News -
In this work, we report new insights into the processes of serpentinization and carbonation of diopside in diopsidite from the Yushishan Nb–Ta deposit in the eastern part of the Altun Mountains, northwest China. Mineral assemblages and microstructures show obvious features of mineral alteration. Bulk-rock geochemistry and mineral composition reveal coupled serpentinization and carbonation of diopside. These results also allowed us to probe potential permanent carbon reservoirs over geological timescales.
Nature — Carbonation and serpentinization of diopsidite in the Altun Mountains, NW China | Scientific Reports