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Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « explanation »



Définitions de « explanation »

Explanation - Nom commun

  • (Rare) Action de rendre clair le sens, la signification de quelque chose; clarification.

    L'explication ne laisse pas de place au doute : elle éclaire les idées en disséminant les ombres de l'incompréhension.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « explanation »

Du latin explanationem, de explanare, composé de ex et planus (plan, uni).

Usage du mot « explanation »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « explanation » depuis 1800

Fréquence d'apparition du mot « explanation » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945

Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.

Citations contenant le mot « explanation »

  • Derry and Strabane District Council is to write to Tourism NI seeking an explanation why the Foyle Cup was denied funding for a second year in a row.
    Explanation sought why Derry's Foyle Cup was denied tourism funding - Derry Now
  • How would Andrew Parsons, Minister of Industry, explain electricity rate mitigation to someone who stopped him at the grocery store? Parsons faced that at a press conference about government efforts to keep power bills down. Parsons kept his explanation to less than a minute.
    CBC — What does rate mitigation mean for my power bill? Here’s a minister’s brief explanation |
  • JAMMU, May 15: Taking serious note of unexplained absence during the 2nd Appeal proceedings and denial of information, the Central Information Commission (CIC) has sought written explanation from Assistant Labour Commissioner (ALC) of Reasi, Tehsildar Bahu, Public Information Officer (PIO) of Kokernag Development Authority and officials of Jammu Municipal Corporation.
    Daily Excelsior — CIC seeks explanation from ALC, Tehsildar, PIO Development Authority, JMC officials - Daily Excelsior
  • Bangladesh Bank (BB) has issued an explanation over recent reports regarding restrictions on journalists' entry to the central bank, stating that it considers disseminating information to the public a top priority.
    The Financial Express — BB explanation on journalists' access to central bank | The Financial Express
  • The upshot, Davis said, is that "Now it's up to the jury to decide. Do we need Donald Trump to personally look at the bookkeeper writing down legal expenses, which is fraudulent, or can we conclude? And that's why I use my snow-on-the-ground circumstantial evidence proof. A jury uses its common sense. Is there any other explanation than reimbursing Michael Cohen for those $35,000 checks?"
    Raw Story - Celebrating 20 Years of Independent Journalism — Prosecutors have shown there's no good explanation for Trump's payments: Cohen's ex-lawyer - Raw Story

Traductions du mot « explanation »

Langue Traduction
Anglais explanation
Espagnol explicación
Italien spiegazione
Allemand erläuterung
Chinois 解释
Arabe تفسير
Portugais explicação
Russe объяснение
Japonais 説明
Basque azalpena
Corse spiegazione
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.