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Définitions de « femtojoule »

Femtojoule - Nom commun

  • (Métrologie, Physique) Unité de mesure d'énergie du Système international (SI), équivalente à 10^-15 joule, symbolisée par 'fJ'.

    Le femtojoule, imperceptible à l'échelle humaine, incarne pourtant une puissance fondamentale dans les nanotechnologies, mesurant 10^-15 joules, il défie notre conception traditionnelle de l'énergie.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « femtojoule »

Dérivé de joule, avec le préfixe femto-.

Citations contenant le mot « femtojoule »

  • OPTIMA is a 4.5-year three-phase program that will involve several contractors, so additional contracts are expected. In the project's first phase, Georgia Tech seeks to develop a low-energy single-transistor-size multiply compute element with 1 femtojoule per bit energy to data ratio, five-nanosecond read speed, six F2 nominal size, and 1,010 read endurance.
    compute-in-memory artificial intelligence (AI) VLSI | Military Aerospace
  • Important working principles of a biological synapse have been emulated, such as paired-pulse facilitation (PPF), short-term plasticity (STP), long-term plasticity (LTP), spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), and spike-rate dependent plasticity (SRDP). Most amazingly, energy consumption of the device can be reduced to a femtojoule level per synaptic event, which is a value magnitudes lower than previous reports. It rivals that of a biological synapse. In addition, the organic artificial synapse devices not only provide a new research direction in neuromorphic electronics but even open a new era of organic electronics.
    Neuroscience News — Artificial Synapses Rivals Biological Ones in Energy Consumption - Neuroscience News

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