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Définitions de « femtowatt »

Femtowatt - Nom commun

  • (Métrologie, Électricité, Physique) Unité de mesure de puissance du Système international (SI), équivalente à 10−15 watt. Symbole : fW.

    Dans les laboratoires de pointe équipés de technologies avancées, le femtowatt, cette unité minuscule équivalente à un millionième de millionième de watt, devient une mesure essentielle pour détecter des signaux électriques extrêmement faibles, souvent en lien avec des recherches de haute précision dans les domaines de l'astrophysique et des nanotechnologies.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « femtowatt »

Dérivé de watt, avec le préfixe femto-.

Citations contenant le mot « femtowatt »

  • Scientists in Finland have engineered a nanodevice called a bolometer that can measure the absolute power of microwave radiation down to the femtowatt level at ultra-low temperatures.  
    Interesting Engineering — This nanodevice can measure the absolute power of microwave radiation
  • "This bolometer does that accurately and reliably at 1 femtowatt or below. That's a trillion times less power than used in typical power calibrations."
    ScienceAlert — New Device Detects Radiation at a Trillionth of The Usual Scale : ScienceAlert
  • Scientists in Finland have developed a nanodevice that can measure the absolute power of microwave radiation down to the femtowatt level at ultra-low temperatures—a scale trillion times lower than routinely used in verifiable power measurements. The device has the potential to significantly advance microwave measurements in quantum technology.
    Quantum scientists accurately measure power levels 1 trillion times lower than usual
  • The femtowatt scale of power generated by the devices is far too low to be practical right now (power = current x voltage). But that should change soon, Zhang says. While the researchers have only tested a single nanowire device inside a rat, they have also built a device that integrates hundreds of nanowires in an array. This device, which the researchers recently reported in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, gives an output current of about 100 nanoamperes at 1.2 volts, producing 0.12 microwatts of power. Wang says the next step is to connect this higher-output nanogenerator to a nano sensor inside an animal.
    MIT Technology Review — Generating Power from a Heart | MIT Technology Review

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