Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « luncheon »
Définitions de « luncheon »
Luncheon - Nom commun
Repas léger pris généralement en milieu de journée.
Tandis qu'il faisait ce luncheon maigre, il entendit un bizarre tumulte sur la mer. Il regarda.
— Hugo, Les Travailleurs de la mer
Étymologie de « luncheon »
De l'anglais luncheon.Usage du mot « luncheon »
Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « luncheon » depuis 1800
Fréquence d'apparition du mot « luncheon » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945
Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.
Citations contenant le mot « luncheon »
When they wore it: Upton opted for the demure look at the VRC Oaks Club Luncheon at the Melbourne Cup on Wednesday. Middleton tried out the classic ensemble at Trooping the Colour, the official commensuration of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday in July 2011.
Fashion Faceoff: Kate Upton vs. Kate Middleton -
The luncheon celebrates partnerships through activities like a “heads or tails” game about making choices both in school and in life and recognizes all the partnerships local businesses have with schools within Wood County. — Partners in Education luncheon held at WVUP | News, Sports, Jobs - News and Sentinel -
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKCO) - Getting to flower the first lady’s luncheon might be one of the biggest accomplishments for any florist across the United States. For one Grand Junction florist, she got to live out that dream, and lobby for a good cause while doing it. — Local florist helps flower first lady's luncheon -
The final SBART press luncheon until the fall celebrated the teams still competing in the playoffs as well as scholar athletes from Westmont and SBCC.
The Santa Barbara Independent — SBART Press Luncheon: SBCC Swimming Takes Center Stage After Capturing State Championship - The Santa Barbara Independent -
Elon University’s Division of Student Life celebrated the accomplishments and contributions of its staff members, departments and work groups during the annual Student Life Year-End Celebration luncheon on Wednesday, May 1.
Today at Elon — Student Life’s annual awards spotlight staff achievements and leadership | Today at Elon | Elon University
Traductions du mot « luncheon »
Langue | Traduction |
Anglais | luncheon |
Espagnol | almuerzo |
Italien | pranzo |
Allemand | mittagessen |
Chinois | 午餐 |
Arabe | غداء |
Portugais | almoço |
Russe | обед |
Japonais | ランチョン |
Basque | bazkaria |
Corse | pranzu |