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Définitions de « reach »

Reach - Nom commun

  • (Marketing) Pourcentage de la population cible atteinte par une campagne publicitaire.

    L'impact d'une campagne se mesure souvent à l'aune de son reach, indicateur clé évaluant le pourcentage de la population cible effectivement touchée par le message publicitaire.
    (Citation fictive)

Usage du mot « reach »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « reach » depuis 1800

Fréquence d'apparition du mot « reach » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945

Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.

Citations contenant le mot « reach »

  • Jaspreet Singh's much anticipated third novel traces a past crime that suddenly becomes confrontable on another continent. Lila, a brilliant Indian-born science journalist, and Lucia, an aspiring European-born writer, meet at a creative writing workshop in Calgary. Both try to use fiction to work through real-life trauma, but their entangled paths may reach all the way back to Lila's time as a geology student in the foothills of the Himalayas.
    CBC — Face | CBC Books
  • SSEN Transmission managing director Rob McDonald stated: “We are delighted to reach preferred bidder status with Sumitomo Electric Industries and its subsea cable delivery partner, Van Oord Offshore Wind UK, for the manufacturer and installation of the Shetland 2 HVDC subsea link.”
    Power Technology — SSEN Transmission selects preferred bidder for Shetland 2 project
  • Wavelight has 8 lanes of electrical input and output channels operating at 106.25Gbps per channel. It consists of two 400G silicon photonics transmitters and one integrated 800G receiver, operating on four ITU-defined CWDM wavelengths. The transceiver is designed for use in 800 gigabit ethernet links for up to 2km of reach over single mode fiber. According to LightCounting, the market for 800G 2xFR4 transceivers in 2024 is $750 million and is forecasted to grow to $1.7 billion by 2027, with more than half of the demand driven by AI networks. The POET transceiver architecture delivers a solution that is cost optimized and highly scalable.
    GlobeNewswire News Room — POET Enters Optical Module Market with 800G Transceiver for
  • For evaluating the sensing parameters of the nanofiber-based exhalation sensor in the atmospheres mentioned above, potentiostat–galvanostat (µAuto-lab system, Metrohm) was connected in series to measure the output I–t variations with a constant bias voltage of 2 V (Fig. 2a). Furthermore, FTO/Kapton TENG was connected in parallel as a source power to construct a self-powered breath sensor, and the output transient voltage changes were recorded by DSO1022A digital oscilloscope in various ambient atmospheres. A bridge rectifier was used to reach a steady voltage from the alternating electric output of the TENG (Fig. S2b).
    Nature — Self-powered triboelectric nanogenerator sensor for detecting humidity level and monitoring ethanol variation in a simulated exhalation environment | Scientific Reports
  • Surgical Site Infections (SSI) pose a significant concern, occurring in about 5% of all surgeries, with limb amputation procedures carrying a higher risk. According to WHO, limb amputations exhibit the highest SSI occurrence at 14.3 per 100 operations. The market also benefits from the rising global geriatric population, expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2030, fostering an increase in surgical interventions. However, the market faces challenges from raw material price fluctuations affecting chlorhexidine gluconate solution production.
    Yahoo Finance — Chlorhexidine Gluconate Solution Market Size Worth USD 219.63 Million in 2032 | Emergen Research
  • The Mint has also taken innovation to a new level with its first-ever Super Incuse coins, an engraving technique that produces an incredibly detailed imprint below the surface of a coin. While normally incuse designs reach a depth of 0.3 mm, the 2022 $20 fine silver coin – Super Incuse 1 oz. Silver Maple Leaf and the 2022 $200 pure gold coin – Super Incuse 2 oz. Gold Maple Leaf are five times deeper, creating unforgettable tributes to the Mint's celebrated Maple Leaf family of pure gold and silver bullion coins.
    Canadian Mining Journal — Canadian Mint launches new collector coins, including tribute to last penny 10 years ago - Canadian Mining Journal
  • Cameroon health officials say they joined the massive inoculation exercise to reach out to children whose parents were refusing to take the children to hospitals for inoculation because of fear of the coronavirus.
    Voice of America — Cameroon Reports Polio after Central African State’s Largest Inoculation Since 2020
  • A government advisory for farmers that was issued recently prescribed potash spray to manage the standing wheat crop from high temperatures. However, a skewed fertiliser subsidy policy in favour of urea and di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) has made muriate of potash (MoP) out of reach from small and marginal farmers with its sales dropping by over 37 per cent in the current fiscal.
    BusinessLine — Muriate of Potash sales down due to lower govt subsidy - The Hindu BusinessLine

Traductions du mot « reach »

Langue Traduction
Anglais reach
Espagnol alcanzar
Italien portata
Allemand erreichen
Chinois 抵达
Arabe تصل
Portugais alcançar
Russe достигать
Japonais 到着
Basque iristea
Corse ghjunghje
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.