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Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « rescindable »



Définitions de « rescindable »

Rescindable - Adjectif

  • (Droit) Qui peut être annulé ou révoqué.

    En cas de manquements graves, le contrat devient rescindable : une porte de sortie légale pour les parties lésées.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « rescindable »

Dérivé de rescinder, avec le suffixe -able.

Usage du mot « rescindable »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « rescindable » depuis 1800

Synonymes de « rescindable »

Citations contenant le mot « rescindable »

  • Nick Bosa's $50,000 per-day fines for missing training camp are rescindable by the 49ers because he still is on his rookie contract, per source. Zack Martin and Chris Jones are not on rookie contracts and are incurring non-rescindable $50K per-day fines.
    Seahawks Wire — Nick Bosa’s fines for missing 49ers training camp are rescindable
  • Former president Jacob Zuma's legal representative, advocate Dali Mpofu, SC, has told the Constitutional Court that it made "fundamental rescindable errors" in its contempt of court ruling against him.
    News24 — ConCourt 'exceeded the bounds of the Constitution' in Zuma matter, Mpofu argues | News24
  • Dali Mpofu, lawyer to South Africa’s jailed ex-president Jacob Zuma has told the Constitutional Court that it made “fundamental rescindable errors” in jailing Zuma.
    Zuma's lawyer Mpofu asks court to cancel jail term - P.M. News
  • NFL fans weren't sympathizing with Nick Bosa upon hearing about his fines. Most know that his fines are rescindable and that he's likely in for a big payday very soon.
    NFL fans taken aback by Nick Bosa’s per day fine amount - “I don't even make $50K in a year” 
  • Nick Bosa's $50,000 per-day fines for missing training camp are rescindable by the 49ers because he still is on his rookie contract, per source. Zack Martin and Chris Jones are not on rookie contracts and are incurring non-rescindable $50K per-day fines. So, no rush for Bosa.
    FanSided — Nick Bosa has the trump card over 49ers in training camp holdout

Traductions du mot « rescindable »

Langue Traduction
Anglais rescindable
Espagnol rescindible
Italien rescindable
Allemand aufhebbar
Chinois 可撤消
Arabe قابل للإبطال
Portugais rescindível
Russe rescindable
Japonais 取り消せる
Basque rescindable
Corse rescindibile
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.