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Définitions de « seeing »

Seeing - Nom commun

  • (Astronomie) Diamètre angulaire des objets ponctuels observés au télescope, influencé par la turbulence atmosphérique.

    Le *seeing* incarne la danse chaotique des étoiles, où la turbulence atmosphérique déforme le regard précis du télescope.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « seeing »

Emprunté à l'anglais seeing (XXe siècle).

Usage du mot « seeing »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « seeing » depuis 1800

Fréquence d'apparition du mot « seeing » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945

Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.

Citations contenant le mot « seeing »

  • He also declared that the matrimonial home was his paraphernal property and did not form part of the community of acquests and hence, his wife should not benefit from a share in such property. He also requested the Court to, should it not agree that the home was paraphernal property, at least make his wife forfeit her share in his favour as compensation for maintaining the home itself as well as maintaining and seeing to the needs of their children when she abandoned them. The husband explained that due to one of their sons being paralysed, he had structurally adapted the home.
    Law Report: The Matrimonial home in separation proceedings - The Malta Independent
  • In My Sibling’s Romance episode 8, viewers will see the participants hanging out in the house and conversing with each other. They will also witness the show informing the participants that only one from each sibling pair will get to go on a date. Thus, seeing which siblings will go on a date will be pretty interesting. - Movie Trailers, TV & Streaming News, and More — My Sibling’s Romance Episode 8 Release Date Revealed on JTBC & Wavve
  • Local people contacted Bryn Davies after seeing a load of tarmacadam - which they assumed was for filling potholes or road repairs in the village - being laid on private driveways.
    BBC News — Powys council highways team investigated over tarmacadam misuse claim - BBC News
  • Juventus wanted him but their fans protested about it. Inter Milan fans got annoyed because Lukaku wanted Juventus. And his options are vastly running out. Saudi will take him, and now apparently another Italian club’s fanbase are dreaming of seeing Lukaku come to them.
    OneFootball — Chelsea striker may have found rare fan base who ‘dream of seeing’ him at their club | OneFootball

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.