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Définitions de « spring »
Spring - Nom commun
(Canada, Anglicisme, Familier) Dispositif mécanique élastique capable de stocker de l'énergie et de la restituer en reprenant sa forme initiale après avoir été déformé.
Étymologie de « spring »
De l'anglais spring.Usage du mot « spring »
Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « spring » depuis 1800
Fréquence d'apparition du mot « spring » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945
Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.
Citations contenant le mot « spring »
Bring the bloom into your own home this spring beginning with a stroll through the florescent fields of tulips at Texas Tulips
Secret Houston — This Florescent Field Of Tulips In Texas Reopens For Season -
In the week before spring break, students at Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy (FALA) participated in several creative and community service projects as part of the school’s annual intersession week.
Arizona Daily Sun — FALA students join community service and arts projects for schoolwide intersession week | Education | -
The Alisal Union School District will be offering free spring intersession classes for any students looking to still learn during the break.
KION546 — Alisal Union School District offering free spring intersession classes for district students – KION546 -
A famous action against the jactitation of marriage was brought in an English court in spring of 1819 by Edward Lord Hawke against a Lady named Elizabeth Augusta Corri. He lamented that she had been falsely styling herself as his wife, and therefore unfairly assuming the title of Lady Hawke. The complaint prepared by Lord Hawke’s solicitors inadvertently reveals the precise purpose of this action:
Times of Malta — From the bench: Speak now or forever hold your peace -
SOUTHPORT, N.C. (WECT) - Downtown Southport, Inc.’s Spring Festival has decided not to host the Spring Festival this year due to the lack of a venue. — Spring Festival in Southport suspended for 2024 due to lack of venue -
Lower Columbia salmon managers will mull a four-day extension of spring Chinook season below Bonneville Dam when they meet tomorrow morning.
Lower Columbia Springer Managers To Mull 4-day Extension - -
McNamara came to Iowa last spring while recovering from an injury and didn't take any live reps until the summer. Unfortunately, after a lackluster start to the 2023 season, McNamara went down with an ACL injury in the fifth game of the season, resulting in backup Deacon Hill becoming the starter.
Tim Lester And Iowa's Quarterback Conundrum: Who's Getting Reps? -
Java offre stabilité et cohérence aux applications distribuées. En tandem avec le framework Java Spring Boot, les développeurs peuvent utiliser l’outil d’autoconfiguration pour créer rapidement des API REST et des applications de liaison. Les développeurs Java disposent également des ressources du framework Spring Cloud pour l’intégration et le traitement par lots et en flux.
LeMagIT — Développer des microservices en Python, est-ce viable ?
Traductions du mot « spring »
Langue | Traduction |
Anglais | spring |
Espagnol | primavera |
Italien | primavera |
Allemand | frühling |
Chinois | 弹簧 |
Arabe | ربيع |
Portugais | primavera |
Russe | весна |
Japonais | 春 |
Basque | udaberri |
Corse | primavera |