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Définitions de « thymocyte »
Thymocyte - Nom commun
(Biologie) Cellule immunitaire développée dans le thymus, correspondant à un stade de différenciation du lymphocyte T.
Étymologie de « thymocyte »
Composé de thymus et de cyte.Usage du mot « thymocyte »
Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « thymocyte » depuis 1800
Citations contenant le mot « thymocyte »
Kang HM, Kim SK, Lee JW, Chung NG, Cho B. Efficacy of low dose anti thymocyte globulin on overall survival, relapse rate, and infectious complications following allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for leukemia in children. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021;
Nature — Individualized dose of anti-thymocyte globulin based on weight and pre-transplantation lymphocyte counts in pediatric patients: a single center experience | Bone Marrow Transplantation -
Next, the CoNGA graph-versus-graph analysis was used, which calculates a “CoNGA score” for identification of clonotypes residing within overlapping neighbourhoods in GEX and TCR datasets, and combines overlapping clonotypes into “CoNGA clusters”. This was done by the CoNGA run_graph_vs_graph() function, with a minimum size for identified “CoNGA clusters” of 22 clonotypes for the thymocyte dataset, and 8 for the PBMC-derived T cell dataset, constituting at least 0.1% of clonotypes in the dataset.
Nature — Human thymic putative CD8αα precursors exhibit a biased TCR repertoire in single cell AIRR-seq | Scientific Reports -
Mariathasan, S. et al. Duration and strength of extracellular signal-regulated kinase signals are altered during positive versus negative thymocyte selection. J. Immunol. 167, 4966–4973 (2001).
Nature — Themis controls thymocyte selection through regulation of T cell antigen receptor–mediated signaling | Nature Immunology -
Carpenter, A., Bassing, C. Fetal thymocyte development: putting a zinc finger on it?. Nat Immunol 7, 1285–1286 (2006).
Nature — Fetal thymocyte development: putting a zinc finger on it? | Nature Immunology
Traductions du mot « thymocyte »
Langue | Traduction |
Anglais | thymocyte |
Espagnol | timocito |
Italien | thymocyte |
Allemand | thymozyten |
Chinois | 胸腺细胞 |
Arabe | الغدة الصعترية |
Portugais | timócito |
Russe | тимоцитов |
Japonais | 胸腺細胞 |
Basque | thymocyte |
Corse | timocite |