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Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « waiter »



Définitions de « waiter »

Waiter - Nom commun

  • (Canada, Anglicisme) Personne employée dans un restaurant ou un café pour servir les clients à table; serveur.

    Mais à ses shows, on boit d'l'eau et d'la camomille, les waiters ont rien à faire, c'pas ben bon pour les affaires…
    — Mononc’ Serge, Vendeur de bière

Étymologie de « waiter »

Emprunté à l'anglais waiter.

Usage du mot « waiter »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « waiter » depuis 1800

Fréquence d'apparition du mot « waiter » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945

Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.

Citations contenant le mot « waiter »

  • Pour répondre à ce besoin, l’application Waiter, qui signifie « serveur » en anglais, veut se rapprocher d’une agence matrimoniale :
    VIDEO. Marseille: Waiter, une appli de rencontre pour arrêter de zapper les profils
  • L'application Waiter ne propose que trois profils par jour à ses utilisateurs, loin de la boulimie qui caractérise habituellement les applis de rencontres.
    Maddyness - Le média pour comprendre l'économie de demain — Moins de matchs pour plus d'amour, le pari de Waiter
  • Another cultural difference: All manner of service people, including waiters and salespeople, are typically somewhat less solicitous of customers than they are in the U.S., in part because good service doesn't invite the same kind of monetary reward as in the U.S. In other words, don't expect your waiter to introduce herself by name, American-style — or to serve your food with an ingratiating smile. 
    Should you tip your French waiter? Here's what to know ahead of Paris Olympics. - CBS News
  • Few things are more Parisian than a busy - and sometimes rude - waiter running around with a tray in hand. Be sure to step out of the way, as the infamous Parisian waiter race is returning to the capital in March, for the first time in 13 years.
    euronews — Legendary Parisian waiter-race returns in time for Olympic Games | Euronews
  • In a disturbing turn of events, 21-year-old waiter Jace Christian Hanson admitted to police that he tainted food served to customers at a steakhouse on numerous occasions. Hanson worked at Hereford House Steakhouse in Leawood, Kansas, USA. The police looked into the matter of potential intentional food harm at the restaurant after FBI agents alerted them, as per reports.
    Hindustan Times — Waiter, 21, admits to rubbing his genitals, urinating on food and more, arrested | Trending - Hindustan Times
  • Is English this person’s native language? If not, it could have been something ‘lost in translation’. I know I accidently once called my host brother’s girlfriend fat, when I meant she looked comfortable. Accident!! If English wasn’t his native language he may have substituted waiter (as someone who waits on you versus a restaurant server) for flight attendant. The world is without a lot of grace today. A little would have made for a pleasant flight.
    View from the Wing — American Airlines Flight Diverted After Passenger Called Flight Attendant A "Waiter" - View from the Wing
  • Well, in the upcoming episode of Anupamaa, Toshu aka Paritosh surprises Anu by asking her for the job of a waiter. Well, Toshu's willingness to do a job leaves Anu shocked. She gets happy and gives him a warm welcome at her cafe. She dresses like a waiter for her son. But, things will not go as planned and destiny has other plans for Anu. Toshu is happy joining Anu and even she feels proud that her son is finally working. But, Toshu has another motive in his mind. He is secretly scheming against Anu and will make things more complicated for everyone.
    Bollywood Life — Anupamaa serial spoiler: Toshu turns waiter in Anu's cafe; secretly plots against his mother

Traductions du mot « waiter »

Langue Traduction
Anglais waiter
Espagnol mesero
Italien cameriere
Allemand kellner
Chinois 服务员
Arabe النادل
Portugais garçom
Russe официант
Japonais ウェイター
Basque zerbitzari
Corse servitore
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.