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Définitions de « same »

Same - Nom commun

  • Langue appartenant à la famille finno-ougrienne, pratiquée en Laponie. Identifiée par le code ISO 639-2 : smi, ce dernier étant attribué à l'ensemble de ses dialectes.

    Le same, langue finno-ougrienne des terres lapones, compte plusieurs dialectes tous rassemblés sous l'unique code ISO 639-2 : smi, reflet de leur riche panel linguistique arctique.
    (Citation fictive)

Same - Adjectif

  • Appartenant ou relatif au peuple autochtone de la région arctique de la Scandinavie, connu pour ses traditions d'élevage de rennes.

    On y retrouve les inspecteurs… de la police des rennes, une unité chargée de régler les contentieux et autres tensions entre éleveurs de rennes sames.
    — Emmanuel Romer, Enquête en Scandinavie

Étymologie de « same »

Voir sami.

Usage du mot « same »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « same » depuis 1800

Fréquence d'apparition du mot « same » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945

Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.

Synonymes de « same »

Citations contenant le mot « same »

  • Perturbation of the second messenger homeostasis in the dark might lead to alterations in the photoresponse of the affected cells. To probe such potential variations, we simulated photoresponses from mouse rods expressing the same amounts of GCAPs investigated in the dark following the excitation of the phototransduction cascade by flashes of increasing intensity, from dim to saturating. The resulting dynamics of suppression of the dark current in a rod of a WT mouse and the respective cases for a heterozygous WT/E111V and a homozygous E111V/E111V-GCAP1 case are reported in Fig. 3a,b, respectively.
    Nature — Normal GCAPs partly compensate for altered cGMP signaling in retinal dystrophies associated with mutations in GUCA1A | Scientific Reports
  • The trade was quieter this week in Kilkenny Mart, especially for plainer lots, depending on age and the number of movements, according to mart manager George Candler. “Even quality animals would not be commanding the same returns as a month ago,” he said.
    Cattle trade quieter for plainer cattle in Kilkenny Mart - Free
  • The challenger was Percy Lavon Julian, a young, Black chemist at DePauw University in Indiana. Born in 1899 in Alabama as the grandson of former slaves, Julian grew up under Jim Crow laws. He’d been one of the first African Americans to earn a PhD in chemistry, something he did at the University of Vienna after Harvard University’s policies stopped him from continuing his education beyond a master’s degree. Now a research fellow at DePauw, he was collaborating with Viennese chemist Josef Pikl on the same challenge that Robinson had taken on: making physostigmine in the lab.
    The Scientist Magazine® — The Right Chemistry, 1935 | TS Digest | The Scientist
  • Surprisingly, the researchers found that these worms, which are protostomes, share many gene families and gene arrangements with the deuterostomes, the group that includes the vertebrates. For example, they share genes that are involved in multicellularity and maintenance of the body's internal environment. They also share a common system for controlling head development; the same mechanism that controls vertebrate head patterning also controls the development of ribbon worm heads and horseshoe worm feeding tentacles. Other protostome groups, such as insects, have lost some of these genetic features.
    Worm genomes reveal a link between humans and distant relatives
  • These hoops boast the same rhodochrosite stone as Middleton's earrings. 
    WhoWhatWearUK — Kate Middleton's $110 Earrings Go Well With Her Face Mask | Who What Wear UK
  • According to PHA, there are almost as many “frontline” sales and marketing reps as there are surgeons: about 5000, compared with about 6000 registered surgeons. While they don’t earn the same incomes, they are still well remunerated. Average base salaries, says David, are in the $120,000 to $140,000 range, and often come with other perks.
    The Saturday Paper — Sales reps have infiltrated operating theatres without patient consent | The Saturday Paper
  • That doesn’t mean you can’t learn a few things from the experience, and I definitely picked up a few lessons along the way. If you plan to follow suit with any fitness challenges at Tom’s Guide, I suggest choosing a rep count that works for you — I don’t recommend high reps of the same exercise in the long term, for example.
    Tom's Guide — I did 70 reps of man makers every day for one week — here’s what happened | Tom's Guide

Traductions du mot « same »

Langue Traduction
Anglais same
Espagnol mismo
Italien stesso
Allemand gleich
Chinois 相同
Arabe نفسه
Portugais mesmo
Russe тем же
Japonais 同じ
Basque bera
Corse listessa
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.