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Définitions de « pondage »
Pondage - Nom commun
Taxe historique en Angleterre, appliquée sur le poids en livres (pounds) des marchandises.
Étymologie de « pondage »
Du latin pondus (poids), qui se rattache à pendo (peser). De l'anglais poundage, composé de pound et -age.Usage du mot « pondage »
Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « pondage » depuis 1800
Synonymes de « pondage »
Citations contenant le mot « pondage »
Engie announced the closure to shocked local residents and councillors on Friday. They were surprised to learn the much-loved recreational waterway had structural problems. But a spokesperson for Engie said in a statement on Saturday that they, as managers of the pondage, had been dealing with the risk posed by the ageing walls for "some time" and that the pondage had to be closed so the water level could be immediately lowered to mitigate any risks.
The Age — Hazelwood Pondage closed due to concerns its walls could burst -
Member for Morwell Russell Northe and a delegation of pondage stakeholder groups met with Latrobe councillors and officers last week to discuss the pondage closure.
Latrobe Valley Express — MP calls for release of pondage report | Latrobe Valley Express -
Anglers grew impatient with the State Government and descended on the pondage before the start of the fishing season after it was delayed by two months.
The costly fight to save the Hazelwood barramundi after the power station's shutdown - ABC News -
The EPA will be allowing up to 300 megalitres per day to be released for a maximum of 60 days, with the aim of releasing pressure on the pondage dam wall.
Hit Network — Extra Water To Be Discharged From Hazelwood Pondage | Hit Network
Traductions du mot « pondage »
Langue | Traduction |
Anglais | weighting |
Espagnol | ponderación |
Italien | ponderazione |
Allemand | gewichtung |
Chinois | 权重 |
Arabe | ترجيح |
Portugais | ponderação |
Russe | взвешивание |
Japonais | 重み付け |
Basque | haztapena |
Corse | ponderazione |