Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « last »
Définitions de « last »
Last - Nom commun
(Commerce maritime) Unité de mesure équivalant à deux tonneaux de mer ou 2 000 kilogrammes.
Étymologie de « last »
Du néerlandais last (« charge ») ; terme usité particulièrement en Hollande. A également des correspondances avec l'espagnol lastre, le portugais lasto, lastro, l'italien lasto et l'allemand Last (poids).Usage du mot « last »
Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « last » depuis 1800
Fréquence d'apparition du mot « last » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945
Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.
Synonymes de « last »
Citations contenant le mot « last »
L'homme veut être le premier amour de la femme, alors que la femme veut être le dernier amour de l'homme. Men always want to be a woman's first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We woman have a more subtle instinct about things. What we like is to be a man's last romance.
Oscar Wilde -
HATTIESBURG, Miss. (WDAM) - A woman arrested and charged with unnatural intercourse and aggravated animal cruelty in Jones County last year was booked into the Forrest County Jail Thursday on new but similar charges. — Woman accused of unnatural act in Jones Co. in 2023 facing similar charge in Forrest Co. -
An unusual new guest was spotted on the northern end of Brackish Pond in the Arcata Bird Sanctuary last Friday. Brandishing purple, blue, and green feathers with chicken-like feet, an adult purple gallinule had somehow made its way to the marsh from its native territory in the southeast U.S. There had been no prior documented sightings in northern California, so birders flocked from all different counties to catch a glimpse. Among those birders was Cal Poly Humboldt’s brand-new birding club.
The Lumberjack — Brand new birding club spreads its wings – The Lumberjack -
The most annoying attack during the first phase occurs when you are further away from the boss. This attack sees the boss stick the giant key into a keyhole in its chest. This will summons a group of 3-4 flying bat-like creatures which it will shoot up into the air. These creatures will home in on our character’s position and explode when close, dealing fulmination damage. We want to dodge away sideways at the last moment to avoid taking a hit (and the fulmination damage).
Neoseeker — Boss - The Treasurer of Les Invalides - Steelrising Walkthrough - Neoseeker -
Twelve isotopes of hassium are known so far, all of which are radioactive. The lightest of these isotopes have fleeting half-lives that last somewhere between milliseconds to seconds. However, the four heaviest isotopes (hassium-265, hassium-267, hassium-269, and hassium-277) probably have half-lives that last minutes to hours although none of these have been confirmed.
the Guardian — Element of the week: hassium | video | Science | The Guardian -
The show, which runs from 11 am to 6 pm on Friday and from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Saturday (with the last entry at 2:30 pm), promises an array of vibrant displays showcasing the best of local horticultural achievements. Among the participants are the dedicated gardeners from St. Michael’s Mount, who are excited to present their finest blooms alongside other exceptional specimens grown in the fertile soils of West Cornwall.
Cornish Stuff — West Cornwall Spring Show Celebrates 100 Years of Horticultural Excellence - Cornish Stuff -
The prices of Thai commodities in Myanmar are rising again due to the value of the Myanmar kyat falling steeply against the Thai baht in the last month and transport problems.
Drop in kyat value and transport problems increase prices of Thai imports – ENG.MIZZIMA.COM
Traductions du mot « last »
Langue | Traduction |
Anglais | last |
Espagnol | último |
Italien | scorso |
Allemand | zuletzt |
Chinois | 持续 |
Arabe | الاخير |
Portugais | último |
Russe | последний |
Japonais | 最終 |
Basque | azken |
Corse | ultimu |