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Définitions de « latter »

Latter - Verbe

  • (Construction) Action de recouvrir d'un assemblage de lattes.

    Les toits des maisons, après l'action de latter, offraient un aspect uniforme et bien ordonné, prêts à recevoir les tuiles.
    (Citation fictive)
  • (Familier) Frapper avec force à l'aide du pied.

    Il ne devait pas profiter de ce coup habile, mais heureux, pour latter à terre le pauvre Pierrot.
    — Albert Simonin, Le cave se rebiffe
  • (Argot) Emprunter sans intention de rendre.

    On avait bu le coup, je m’en souvenais, après quoi il m’avait latté d’un sac pour clapper, soi-disant.
    — Albert Simonin, Le cave se rebiffe

Expressions liées

  • Latter des planches (les empiler avec ordre et de manière que l'air puisse circuler entre elles)
  • Latter le ballon
  • Latter à claire-voie, à lattes jointes

Étymologie de « latter »

Dérivé du mot latte, avec le suffixe -er (siècle à préciser).

Usage du mot « latter »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « latter » depuis 1800

Fréquence d'apparition du mot « latter » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945

Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.

Synonymes de « latter »

Citations contenant le mot « latter »

  • Bonjour ça fait une semaine que j utilise le produit black latter et je n ai aucun résultat. Après combien de jour un résultat est visible merci
    Culturellement Vôtre — [Food] On a testé le black latte : notre avis
  • In high-energy collisions, charmonium states can be produced either from the short-lived QCD sources (“prompt” production) or from (relatively) long-lived decays of B-hadrons (“non-prompt” production). While theorists have a reasonable understanding of the latter production mechanism, they’ve yet to fully understand the production of J/ψ directly from the primary proton-proton interaction. This is a place where experimentalists can help shed light.
    ATLAS — ATLAS gains momentum in study of charmonium | ATLAS Experiment at CERN
  • The order includes the delivery of two Ball mills and three High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR). The latter is well known to be among the most energy-efficient comminution technologies, as it lowers power consumption, while providing a more stable grinding operation and eliminating the need for grinding media.
    Yahoo Finance — FLSmidth to deliver Ball mills and HPGRs to a greenfield South American copper concentrator
  • As a pastor, Paul admonishes the “strong,” those with more robust consciences and fewer scruples in disputable matters, to respect and to never look down on the “weak,” those with more sensitive consciences that allowed them less freedom in such areas. And he repeatedly urges the latter not to pass judgment on fellow believers with whom they differ, but fully accept them as their sisters and brothers.
    Anabaptist World — We need help discerning what are disputable matters | Anabaptist World
  • Johnson was a great dissembler and certainly an effective networker, and could present himself as all things to all men. Over time, he managed to wheedle his way into Roosevelt’s inner circle and was seen by the latter as a principled progressive. But to Johnson’s business backers he was the man who could win them lucrative contracts and seen as a man of the conservative right. He was not averse to concluding shady deals with his backers and small-time gangsters, even to the extent of actually buying votes with cash and employing dirty tricks to defeat his opponents.
    Morning Star — Books The Great Dissembler | Morning Star
  • The Montreal Gazette reported that a $3,500 cockatoo was taken from another Montreal store in June of 1988 and a $15,000 hyacinthine macaw was stolen in Beloeil, Que., in July — the latter bird was recovered, however, after it was too hard for the alleged thieves to sell.
    CBC — The $50,000 bird heist that left feathers in the air duct | CBC
  • Abhira and Ruhi have their cute fight over Armaan while the latter is now impressed seeing how Abhira is claiming her right on him and is being a bossy wife. — Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Spoiler: Ruhi and Abhira fight over Armaan, latter feels amused
  • Britain did indeed enter a technical recession over the latter half of last year, revised figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) confirmed on Thursday.
    Proactiveinvestors UK — UK recession confirmed over latter half of last year

Traductions du mot « latter »

Langue Traduction
Anglais latter
Espagnol último
Italien quest'ultimo
Allemand letztere
Chinois 后者
Arabe الأخير
Portugais último
Russe последний
Japonais 後者
Basque bigarrenak
Corse ultimu
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.